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Mastery of Program:

Prerequisite: The Biblical Studies Program and the completions of the Ministry Training or Education Certificate Programs for a

total of 30 Credits


(You must take and pass these programs first) 

Tuition for this program is $500

Payable in 10 installments of $50 automatic drafts through PayPal.

Exams for this program consist of "true/false multiple choice questions, short essays and final Term Paper. 

You must complete the course with a grade of 75% to receive a Diploma in Biblical Studies

Online Application

Diploma in Biblical Studies

(4) Bible Doctrine II: In-depth research of the Christian Doctrines of Anthropology (The Doctrine of Man), Ecclesiology (The Doctrine of the Church), and Eschatology (The Doctrine of Last Things).


(4) Church History: A study of six periods of the Church’s history from the Apostolic Church (A.D. 30) to present times.


(4) Comparative Religions and Cults: The study of other religions and religious practices making comparisons with Christianity.


(1) The Life of Christ: A Hermeneutic approach to the life, mission and ministry of Jesus Christ.




(1) 1 Hour of Community Service: Required by the end of the year


(1) 1 Hour Library Study

Total of 15 Credits​

In addition to: 15 Biblical Studies and 15 Ministry or Education credits

Discounted Tuition Payment $500

Discounted Tuition Payment $500

10 installments of $50

 All Rights Reserved by The Institute of Theology and Ministry Inc. 2024

 All Rights Reserved by The Institute of Theology and Ministry Training 2024

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